Your client's lifestyle plays a role in their overall health and well-being. The body’s pH is influenced by diet, exercise, stress levels and the quality of the air we breathe. One of the best ways to improve overall health and aid in skin condition improvement is with a healthy diet. The foods that we eat can alter our pH level. This may not seem important; however, if the body is too acidic a variety of health problems are likely to occur. Virtually all types of diseases will thrive in an acidic environment and often lead to unwanted skin conditions such as early ageing, acne, psoriasis and eczema. High acidity in the body has been linked to inflammation, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disease, chronic pain and other chronic conditions. Understanding pH levels, the symptoms of high acidity in the body and which foods are acidic or alkaline can help improve your client's treatment outcome.
Understanding pH Levels
The body’s acidity is measured using pH levels. This can be determined by using a simple urine test. For best test accuracy, the test should be performed first thing in the morning. Urine tests will measure the level of acid in the body. Optimal pH levels are between 6.5 and 7.5. When the pH level is lower than 6.5, the body is considered acidic and when the pH level is higher than 7.5, the body is considered to be alkaline.
What are the Symptoms of High Acidity in the Body?
When the body is acidic, minerals, including calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium, are taken from your bones and organs to help neutralise the acid and remove it from the body, this causes mineral deficiencies. These deficiencies can go undetected for years and may only be found when symptoms become more severe.
Some of the symptoms of mild acidity include:
Yeast infections
Weight gain
Premature ageing
As acidity continues to become worse, the symptoms can become more severe and may include
Shortness of breath
Coughing Arrhythmia
Cardiovascular damage
Reduced Immunity
Bladder infections
Kidney infections
The Western Diet
The Western diet contributes to these high acidity levels. Dairy, sugars, meats and grains can all affect the pH level in the body and cause the body to become more acidic. In addition to the foods that we consume, the body can become acidic due to metabolism. As your body burns food for energy, waste products are produced. These waste products are acidic. The body needs to either neutralise the acid produced during metabolism or excrete the waste. Excess waste causes the kidneys to work harder and can result in kidney infections, bladder infections and kidney stones. One study suggests reducing acidity through dietary methods may help slow down kidney disease.
Although the body can adjust its pH levels on its own, the different systems in your body have different pH levels. This occurs so the different systems can help maintain the proper pH levels in the blood. The blood’s pH level should be between 7.35 and 7.45. If a system in the body becomes too acidic, the blood will pull alkaline elements from another system, such as the small intestine, to correct the pH level. When the alkaline elements are removed from the small intestine, it can affect digestion. The body may also draw calcium from the bones to neutralise acids, which can result in osteoporosis. So even though the body can adjust its pH levels, it affects other systems in the body and can lead to health and skin issues.
Additionally, the body has limitations on how much it can correct pH levels. Therefore, the foods your clients eat play a role in maintaining a proper pH level. If your client's diet consists of acid-forming foods, their body can become more acidic. Conversely, if they eat too many alkaline-producing foods, their body can become too alkaline. So, it is essential that they eat a balanced diet to help ensure that your immune system remains strong to fight off disease.
You cannot know if a food is acidic or not by taste. many people think lemons are acidic. Although lemons are scientifically classified as acidic they are alkaline-forming in the body. During digestion, the citric acid in the lemon is oxidised into water and carbon dioxide in the body. Another example of confusion occurs with milk. Outside of the body, milk is alkaline; however, once it is digested, it becomes acidic. The only way to determine whether a food is alkaline or acidic is through science. Scientists determine if a food is acidic or alkaline by incinerating it and analysing the remaining ash’s mineral content.
What Foods are Acidic?
Acidic foods are those that cause more acidity in the body when they are digested. Foods containing protein, sulphur and phosphate are typically acid-forming. The following foods are considered acidic and should be eaten in moderation if your pH levels are lower than the recommended pH level.
Dairy products
Processed foods
Refined sugars
Fizzy drinks
What Foods are Alkaline?
Foods that are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and iron are typically alkaline-forming foods. These foods should be consumed when your body is acidic.
Sea salt
Apple cider vinegar
Pumpkin seeds
To help the pH level become balanced, seventy to eighty percent of our diet should be alkaline foods. This means that your plate should be filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, such as leafy greens and salads. The remaining portion of your plate should be filled with lean proteins and grains. This will ensure you create a balanced diet. Additionally, you will need to drink three to four litres of water a day to help the kidneys filter waste and restore these pH levels.
All life depends on maintaining proper pH levels. Optimal pH levels help regulate metabolism, optimizes enzymes in the digestive system and keeps the immune system functioning properly. When the body becomes too acidic or alkaline, it can be plagued with a variety of chronic diseases and illnesses, inflammation and pain. Learning how to properly maintain a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5 will help your clients see results with their treatments whether they are for reducing acne, reducing the signs of ageing, helping alleviate eczema or psoriasis or if they are struggling to lose weight.
If you are not discussing diet with your client during the consultation, then you may not get the best results from your treatment.
A hydrated body allows other treatments to work more effectively too, such as Radiofrequency, Microcurrent and Ultrasound. Reducing red meat and dairy from a diet can see significant improvements in acne. Reducing sugar intake can slow down the ageing process.
Understanding diet, fluid intake, vitamins and minerals and their effect on the body, including identifying potential vitamin deficiencies can help you and your client format a results-driven treatment plan. Beauty is more than just skin deep!